Thursday, August 11, 2016

Post #1: The Great Unknown

Dear Reader,

Well hello! Thank you for getting here and reading this!

I'm an avid journal-er, list maker, minute taker, email length record holder, scribbler, text message essay writer, and google doc maker, but never (until now) a blogger. I love writing. This is certainly a very exposed form of writing. By publishing this, I feel as though I am giving the world permission to peer into my mind and examine my thoughts.  It's thrilling and nervewrecking to imagine someone reading my words and sentences. But you are that someone! So thank you for being the reader!

I've decided to write this blog so that I can share some of my experiences in the coming months with you. This fall, I am stepping outside of my comfort zone. "Step" may not be a strong enough word- I think "leaping out of my comfort zone" or "abandoning my comfort zone" may be better ways to describe how I feel about spending 3 months in a country full of strangers.

You and I are not that different! In fact, we probably have a few things in common. Sure, you're the reader and I'm the writer, but we're both computer users! I love lemon candles, warm sand in my toes, The Office, sunsets, meeting new people, cold brew, spreadsheets, my Spotify discover weekly playlist, laughing, beginnings, breakfast pastries, and the first snow. I have amazing parents, an extensive list of dreams, 5 toes on each foot, more energy than I know what to do with, fears, too many sundresses, fresh ideas, and pretty good cholesterol.  My guess is that in reading the last two sentences, you can say "me too!" to at least a few things. So there you go- we're not that different.

If I can connect with you and give you more "me too!" moments in writing this blog, then I hope I can encourage you to abandon your comfort zone as well.

I know you have your own list of things you love, have, hope, and fear. I know you have your own comfort zone and maybe even a list of "things I'll never do". I'm not going to ask you to look at THAT list and randomly pick something to do from it! That would be extreme. But I do ask you to consider your comfort zone (you know, that little circle that you live most of your life in) and what things might be outside of it. Maybe there are some things that are just a few inches outside of it and others that are miles and miles away from it. No matter the distance, I ask you to consider the possibility of those things. If you're anything like me, this is probably a difficult task. Considering the possibility of uncomfortable things means dangers, risks, potential losses, a list of "reasons I shouldn't do this", and another list of "things that would be a better use of my time/money/sanity". While these things you're considering may not be easy or realistic to think about, I ask you to keep them on your mind these next couple months while you read this blog.

Maybe, my plan to leap out of the familiar and comfortable is a horrible idea. It's a definite possibility. Maybe it will end up being an alright, good, or even great idea. There's only one way to find out! By publishing this blog, I'm not going to ask you to join me (You most certainly CAN join me though!). I want to give you the ability to observe and see how things go for me. I'll be the guinea pig for this "abandoning comfort zone" thing. This way, you can make a well-informed decision before you try it for yourself.

My request is that you read this blog with an open mind.

Please don't read these blog posts and think "Wow! Good for her! I could NEVER do something like that". We've already determined that you and I are not that different!

I want to share this experience with you. That's what this blog is for! I could just write all of this in a diary, word document, or a bunch of lists. But I want you to see how this goes for me so that you might be encouraged to consider the crazy, risky, and inconvenient things outside of your comfort zone!

TL;DR: sit back, relax, and keep and open mind!

A few details about my upcoming trip to Bulenga can be viewed to the right of this under "FAQ's"! (If you're on your phone, click "view web version" under this post) Feel free to reach out to me with additional questions you may have! My internet will be limited in Uganda but I'm hoping to post weekly. I'm excited to get to share this journey with you.

My promises to you as a blogger:
1. I will be 100% honest with you
2. humor will be incorporated whenever possible
3. not all of my jokes are funny
4. I will maintain structure whenever possible (To start, posts will be numbered)
5. This blog will probably contain some spelling and grammatical errors
6. This blog will be easy (and hopefully enjoyable!) to read
7. I will post picture when possible!
8. I don't really know what I'm doing
9. I'm always open to advice & suggestions

Thank you for being here!

